news / press
World Brand Design Society featured Jin Môr
March 19, 2020Exciting to have our favourite gin bottle featured by World Brand Design Society and getting a lot of love on their Instagram!
Favourite Design published Jolie Laide
January 3, 2020Lovely to see my edible-insects brand and packaging project, Jolie Laide, published in Favourite Design’s 2019 book alongside some amazingly inspiring designers and projects.
Packaging of the World featured Jin Môr
January 1, 2020Jin Môr has been picked up by the lovely people at Packaging of the World
Shillington interviewed me
March 14, 2019Shillington interviewed me about the twists and turns in my career that led me to becoming a designer. Starting out with Science degree, I definitely didn’t take the most conventional route into either design or photography! Full story here, and a nice little video they made of my portfolio below…